Get ready to remix the term collaboration as a school librarian and teacher drop some real-world guidance and persuasive techniques for getting the collaboration party started. They’ll roll out dynamic resources for cross curricular instruction, project-based learning, Makerspace activities, and community connections. You’ll see how this kind of collaboration gets everyone in sync, turning up student engagement, leadership moves, and empowering their learning groove!
Have you ever wondered about whether genrefying a library really makes a difference? This session will explore the impacts that the practice has had on circulation within a Title I school library. Following an overview of its impact at Bessemer Elementary, attendees will be provided tips for genrefication and given an opportunity to practice utilizing tools used for data collection (circulation reports, surveys for students, visuals to showcase impact to stakeholders, etc.).
Are your students and teachers forgetting that your library catalog exists or struggling to use it effectively? In this session, we will share a Media Coordinator-created resource designed to answer the most Frequently Asked Questions about using Follett Destiny.
Key Takeaways: - Discover the tools and techniques used to create an engaging, user-friendly Follett Destiny tutorial page - Learn how to easily replicate this resource in your own school or district to boost catalog usage and support - Explore strategies for promoting your library catalog and making it an indispensable part of your school's digital ecosystem
Don't let your Follett Destiny catalog gather dust - equip your students and teachers with the knowledge they need to unlock its full potential. Join us for this practical, solution-oriented session.